5 Industries Utilizing AI Robotics

5 Industries Utilizing AI Robotics

5 Industries Utilizing AI Robotics


New technologies such as AI, robotics, and others are dramatically changing the landscape of our industries. Due to the specific characteristics of these technologies, they are universally applicable across various sectors. In this article, we will explore five industries where we can see the implementation of AI robotics.

What is AI Robotics?

The roots of robotics can be traced back to ancient Greece, but the first digitally controlled and programmable robot was introduced in the mid-20th century. These technologies combine the possibilities of science, engineering, and technology, enabling the creation of robots that either replicate human work or assist humans in performing various tasks. One of their major advantages is their ability to work tirelessly. Additionally, robotics work in tandem with AI, which, through the application of machine learning, makes AI robotics even more functional and efficient.

There are several types of robots. First, autonomous mobile robots are capable of performing tasks such as delivering goods, conducting security checks, automating inventory, and more. Next, automated guided vehicles are a form of autonomous mobile robots. These robots move along pre-mapped routes and are used for transporting heavy materials in factories and warehouses.

A third type is articulated robots, characterized by various types of articulated joints resembling a human arm. The fourth type is humanoids, which feature a human-like body structure and movement characteristics. They are often used to automate various tasks. The fifth type includes cobots, robots designed to work alongside humans with the goal of assisting rather than replacing human labour.

Although many believe that robotics takes jobs away from people, according to the World Economic Forum’s predictions, by 2025, these technologies will create 12 million more jobs than will be lost. Therefore, instead of job losses, there will be a need for re-skilling, with careers in this field, such as robotics engineers, who design robots, develop their functionality, and oversee their maintenance.

The AI Robotics Use Cases

  1. Painting Robots in the Automotive Industry

Painting robots can be applied across various industries. However, they are most commonly found in the automotive industry. During these processes, the paint application is carried out evenly and consistently, achieving a level of precision that far exceeds what is possible with manual labour.

  1. Robots in the Packaging Industry

One of the specific characteristics of AI robotics is task automation, making them highly beneficial in this sector. Robotic packaging systems offer advantages such as increased efficiency in the packaging process, reduced packaging costs, the ability to work around the clock, high precision, and more. In the packaging sector, robots can package various items, ranging from food products into boxes to large objects on pallets in warehouses.

  1. Welding Industry

Robots can also be valuable in technical work such as welding. Their application in this field follows a pre-established program and can later be reprogrammed for new projects. Robots are appreciated here for their high precision and for reducing the risk of human error.

  1. Agriculture

In this sector, robots help optimize the workflows on large farms. Robots can perform a variety of tasks, such as seeding. Gradually, human resources and tractors are being replaced, with driverless robots now managing seeding machines. Similarly, AI robotics can harvest crops in the fall and take care of the plants throughout their growth cycle, performing tasks like weeding, pruning, and watering.

  1. Pharmaceuticals

In this crucial sector, robots can also provide excellent assistance. They handle tasks such as waste disposal, where robots can distinguish between different types of waste and safely sort them, as well as collecting medical instruments and placing them into the appropriate containers. In laboratories, robots can be used to mix samples, measure doses, and more.

Final Word

As we can see, AI robotics are not only our adversaries but also strong allies in various sectors. Moreover, they offer an innovative technological solution that improves business results and allows companies to optimize their operations.

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Source: Cyber-Weld, Essert, Formant, Parvalux, Spatial, Universal Robots, University of San Diego

5 Industries Utilizing AI Robotics
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